jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


Well, I´m not a big fan of technology,  I have the same cell phone for the last four years but as a college student technology becomes necesary. In my particular case I use a lot internet and specially the e-mail technology and social networks like Facebook.

Almost all of our classmates have a Facebook account, and Facebook is the most important source of information related to college issues, the name of the group that we (as classmates of the year 2011) are in is psico ,in  this Facebook group our classmates can  comunicate each other, the main topic of the conversations are the academic ones and sometimes the organization of special events like a classmates party. The Facebook group it is very usefull, sometimes there is some information that it has to be know very quickly like the postpone of an exam or the cancelation of the class, and I think that is a good thing to have such grade of comunication between our classmates.

But I don´t use other social networks (like twitter for example) because I feel like I might be caught into this, by this I refer to the constant vigilation of social networks, I`ve seen a lot of people that spend many hours in their computers (only to be online on facebbok)  and others are   even worse, they spend many hours in their cell phones, it is good thing that the people may be connected with each others but in the other it makes us terrible dependent of these artifacts.  This kind of behavior it can be called (with all the right involve)  an addiction. infortunaly internet addiction or ciberaddiction, are not recognize as psychological problems ,but there was an old discussion , some psychologist have tried top ut this addiction in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) but  all of them has been rejected.

4 comentarios:

  1. I think i'm a little adiccted to facebook and tumblr (mainly watch), so I understand your worries about being absorbed by them. great post!

  2. ok I must confess that I look my facebook and mail almost every day. It is a bad thing when you feel like a puppet D:

  3. There was a time I got a little addicted to internet ToT! I remember that I had somewhat like a "need" to do things online: watch tv-series, look my facebook and tumblr account. Now that times are gone... or I hope so! haha =P
