jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Sports Psychology

From all the differents fields that psychology has, sports psychology is the one I want to develop most. I always been fascinated of the mental aspects in sports, I can relate some experiencies:  for example when I watch a football game and the best team loose, (for example the match beetween Universidad Catolica and Sao Paulo, played yesterday) for silly reasons, it always make wonder what went wrong?. 

The sports psychology studies phenomenoms like concentration, attention, motivation and mental health in sports and see how this factors impacts the performance of the athletes.

A sports Psychologyst is not restricted only to the high perfomance level of sports, it includes all the levels from olympic level to amateur level. Sports psychology has been studying the psychological aspects in every level of sports performance.

sports psychology has been studying  the social aspects involved in sports, that is a reason why the sports psychologist can be part of proyects to expand physics activities and make the people stay motivated (motivation always has been a phenomenon studied in pshychology). For example a classmate is doing her practice in a Sename center (Sename is the national service for minors, and Works with children in social risk) and she is ussing  sports to emotional educate the childrens. Other classmates done their practices in football clubs like Colo-Colo and Universidad de Chile.

Sports psychologyst is a very demanding career, because you need a lot of studies,  it requieres a doctor or master degree. Also it needs a great understanding of sports, especially  the ones that you are going to work in.

2 comentarios:

  1. I have never investigated about it, but it seems interesting.

  2. I love sport psychology, when I was in competitions (long time ago) I discovered the relevance of Sport Psychology :)
