jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013


Dan Gilbert, a psychologist of the University of Harvard, he in a exhibition spoke about the great power that our mind has and which one is: the power to elaborate a certain situation, which give us the chance to be prepared.  The main theme of that exhibition was happiness, so why this insight is important to understand human happiness? Because Dan, says that our mind tend to misjudge what make us happy.  

Dan Gilbert make a special difference in the way to approach happiness, he distinguishes two kind of happiness the synthetical, which it is the one that we create when we don`t get the things we want (I would say the rationalization of frustration) and  the natural is the one that we experiment when we have the things that we wanted. Dan says that our minds tend to fight against the synthetical happiness but he showed that synthetical happiness can be equal as the natural. He says that freedom of choose is the friend of natural happiness, but it is the enemy of the synthetical happiness, why? Because Dan says that the psychological immune system Works better in stuck, situations.

In conclusion, the people tend to choose freedom, but this freedom is against synthetical happiness (which it is a defence system against frustration). In absence of freedom our mind Works in a  way  that elaborates  happiness as defence. 

Chile in particular is very special, we have a hedonist but at the same time conservatory society, our societies values the material aspects of life but the main powers of our country (you can call it the way you want, it can be the goverment, or the business  men) took from us the possibilities to reach the things we want.  From myself I like to that happiness is something personal, you have to sit down in a while and confront yourself why do you want the things you want? persue the happines that you think it is right for you not the happines that society, your parents, girlfriend, friends tell you.

1 comentario:

  1. You saw a very different view than me D: I thought he was rather weird in his speech. But I agree with you in you concept of happiness.
