jueves, 12 de diciembre de 2013

English !!!!!

When I took English 3º I thought that I have a good English, I mean  I can read  and hear in English and understand it but when I write or speak in English I feel very unsecure. Throught the course I realized that I`m not very good on write or speak in English. English 3º was not very good, there was not any class about English grammar at least in this course (English 4º) we can see a little bit in the blog`s corrections. I think that the English course in general could be more demanding on English grammar it would be a good thing for the students.
The blogs are a fun way to make us write in English and I think that is essential to learn English both speaks and read (and of course writing in English). I think that is a tool that can be use on schools too in Exchange for the typical task of taking a big text and translate it (yes, very borrriiingg!!!!).
Nowadays I use English almost……. Always xD, I write in English, I read in English (Right now I`m studying neuroscience) because unfortunately there is no update information in Spanish. So It is a must to learn English for any student of any career, it is fair to say that English is the world’s language at least in the occidental part of the world. For me it is fun to learn another language and I`m going to learn some German the next year.

jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2013

Gender´s extinction!!

The speaker starts her presentation saying that social media is a gender promoter, with degrading ideas and conceptions of a what a man/woman should be, it is a distorcionado mirror of the reality (stereotypes).

Society has a sistem of labbeling, each category is an assumption that the persson who fits in it has some predictable characteristics, for example: female 18 years.

The speakers says that the social media will erase genders.. but how?
The speaker introduces the term * Psycographic* which it is a proces to create complex profiles of the  consumers , but  isn´t generated a great impact. The spekear and her team has been investigating for the last 8 years about demographics and his impact in the social media. The investigators concluded that the old categories are not longer consistent with the present and will be no longer sustainable  because of the hight technology that exist today. Nowadays  it is very easy for people to conect with other people not only for internet but also  for the transports available (like airplanes).

The internet comunities (these comunities are created around certain topic) are very important and very difficult to reach for the publicty  of more traditional companies because these companies try to understand these comunities in a demographic way. For example the footbal community of internet envolves people of all over the world not certain area or zone so it ilogical to aproach the footbal community by thinking of a certain dominant zone or ethnicity. These communities are very important for the companies for they are the new mass audience .

These companies often can see where our clicks in the computer go (yes it is very creepy) but there is a positive side! Because the new mass media will organize in our tastes and not in our gender or demographics characteristics , so the publicity will not longer be based on gender or in some stereotypes but instead in the tastes and values of  people. In the future it will be more important to know that you like basquetball than if you are an asian or an afroamerican.

There is other important thing and that is women are in the head on the use of social technology according with the speaker and this dominance will cause a huge impact in the future, there will be  a feminist dominance., the autor conclude this by taking the initial assumption that it will be a publicity based on in our tastes in the future and it was said before: women are dominant in the social media, and this dominance will bring down the old categories and stereotypes of the past.

I personally find this point of view new and refreshing, it is simple but at the same time complex, I think the speaker it is very optimistic about the future but there is something that the speaker is missing and it is key to erase stereotypes and that is personal interaction, internet interaction will contribute to this but never will be determinant you have to see the other persson to make a better idea, and then to judge.

viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2013

Green Energy !!!!!

This is a very tought issue to speak of but I will try to do my best to show my personal view. I have a brother studying electric engineer, he has a very clear view of the issue, he said to me the last time that in our country it is necesary new sources of energy  specially in the next 20 years, my brother thinks that Hidroaysen is necessary in the future. No conventional energies like solar and eolic energies are very expensive and cause more ambiental problems conventional energies (carbón), so where we gonna find the solution? I really don`t know I think my brother is right that we need hidroaysen, but there something that bothers a lot and that is if hidroaysen is built, it will be property of some spanish company. So do you really think that  it is right that OUR energy, gathered here has to be property of  foreigners? Don´t get me wrong I`m not being xenophobic, but since a long time  foreigns entrepreneur  has been slowly acquiring our basics needs like water and electricity to make business with them is like a new form of  cololonialism.

 Personally I think that is ok,  we must  built new sources of energy (many people don`t know but with the actual technology there is almost no ambiental impact to be worried about) but those sources have to be managed by our own goverment and not by foreigners.

jueves, 14 de noviembre de 2013


Well, I´m not a big fan of technology,  I have the same cell phone for the last four years but as a college student technology becomes necesary. In my particular case I use a lot internet and specially the e-mail technology and social networks like Facebook.

Almost all of our classmates have a Facebook account, and Facebook is the most important source of information related to college issues, the name of the group that we (as classmates of the year 2011) are in is psico ,in  this Facebook group our classmates can  comunicate each other, the main topic of the conversations are the academic ones and sometimes the organization of special events like a classmates party. The Facebook group it is very usefull, sometimes there is some information that it has to be know very quickly like the postpone of an exam or the cancelation of the class, and I think that is a good thing to have such grade of comunication between our classmates.

But I don´t use other social networks (like twitter for example) because I feel like I might be caught into this, by this I refer to the constant vigilation of social networks, I`ve seen a lot of people that spend many hours in their computers (only to be online on facebbok)  and others are   even worse, they spend many hours in their cell phones, it is good thing that the people may be connected with each others but in the other it makes us terrible dependent of these artifacts.  This kind of behavior it can be called (with all the right involve)  an addiction. infortunaly internet addiction or ciberaddiction, are not recognize as psychological problems ,but there was an old discussion , some psychologist have tried top ut this addiction in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) but  all of them has been rejected.

jueves, 24 de octubre de 2013

Sports Psychology

From all the differents fields that psychology has, sports psychology is the one I want to develop most. I always been fascinated of the mental aspects in sports, I can relate some experiencies:  for example when I watch a football game and the best team loose, (for example the match beetween Universidad Catolica and Sao Paulo, played yesterday) for silly reasons, it always make wonder what went wrong?. 

The sports psychology studies phenomenoms like concentration, attention, motivation and mental health in sports and see how this factors impacts the performance of the athletes.

A sports Psychologyst is not restricted only to the high perfomance level of sports, it includes all the levels from olympic level to amateur level. Sports psychology has been studying the psychological aspects in every level of sports performance.

sports psychology has been studying  the social aspects involved in sports, that is a reason why the sports psychologist can be part of proyects to expand physics activities and make the people stay motivated (motivation always has been a phenomenon studied in pshychology). For example a classmate is doing her practice in a Sename center (Sename is the national service for minors, and Works with children in social risk) and she is ussing  sports to emotional educate the childrens. Other classmates done their practices in football clubs like Colo-Colo and Universidad de Chile.

Sports psychologyst is a very demanding career, because you need a lot of studies,  it requieres a doctor or master degree. Also it needs a great understanding of sports, especially  the ones that you are going to work in.

jueves, 10 de octubre de 2013


Dan Gilbert, a psychologist of the University of Harvard, he in a exhibition spoke about the great power that our mind has and which one is: the power to elaborate a certain situation, which give us the chance to be prepared.  The main theme of that exhibition was happiness, so why this insight is important to understand human happiness? Because Dan, says that our mind tend to misjudge what make us happy.  

Dan Gilbert make a special difference in the way to approach happiness, he distinguishes two kind of happiness the synthetical, which it is the one that we create when we don`t get the things we want (I would say the rationalization of frustration) and  the natural is the one that we experiment when we have the things that we wanted. Dan says that our minds tend to fight against the synthetical happiness but he showed that synthetical happiness can be equal as the natural. He says that freedom of choose is the friend of natural happiness, but it is the enemy of the synthetical happiness, why? Because Dan says that the psychological immune system Works better in stuck, situations.

In conclusion, the people tend to choose freedom, but this freedom is against synthetical happiness (which it is a defence system against frustration). In absence of freedom our mind Works in a  way  that elaborates  happiness as defence. 

Chile in particular is very special, we have a hedonist but at the same time conservatory society, our societies values the material aspects of life but the main powers of our country (you can call it the way you want, it can be the goverment, or the business  men) took from us the possibilities to reach the things we want.  From myself I like to that happiness is something personal, you have to sit down in a while and confront yourself why do you want the things you want? persue the happines that you think it is right for you not the happines that society, your parents, girlfriend, friends tell you.

jueves, 3 de octubre de 2013

Guilty pleasures.

Well I have many guilty pleasures but I would like to talk about one that I used to have: eating, I wasa big eater. I really love fast food specially fries and hot dogs in the old times I used to grab some money and go out for a big portion of fries and a  gigantic hot dog it was a quite funny becouse I walked like 20 minutes to the fast food stablishment to get my order and when I returned home all my family asked where I did go? And I just said that I went to see a friend (yes I was a big liar) and their said to me ohh that´s ok, would like to go eat some  fries? And I was like, ehhh uhhhm ok let´s go !!!!!!! (So as you see  I was a liar and a glutton).

Fortunaly I didn´t get any heart dissease of something (yes, I`m being a little dramatic xD) because I really like to do exercise, as I said before I like to play table tennis and I tend to play it many time per week. But right know I´m stopping eating too much, for a strange reason my stomach really shrank so I try to not overeat because the next day I get up with a stomach ache. So as you may see my guilty pleasure was over because it is no longer a pleasure but   sometimes I manage to  eat some fries  : ).

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

Well, I have many countries in mind, first of all I would like to go to germany.


 Because, germany is a country which has very good sport psychologists, and sport psychology is the area that I would like to study and be working with. Also becouse germany has a one of the strongest table tennis player in  the moment and as I said in the classroom before, I´m a table tennis player, it will be fun to watch some matches of the table tennis German league, which has the strongest players of Europe.

Germany is the ideal place for me, for my laboral growing. I like the German culture too and the cold weather, because I´m a winter person.

I have a special atracttion to asia and his countries like china, japan and korea, I don´t know how to explain that atracttion but I hope someday to be there in the future.  Also I would like to travel to arabic countries I like the atmosphere of their mysticism, for example I like a lot the meca located in arabia, but I don´t like their culture, they seem to be very agressive persons (personally, I don`t know any person of this etnic).

The city of Düsseldof.